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    A Pillow With Arms To Hold Mom and Baby Makes for Sunny Showers  

    Your bestie is having a baby, and you’re hosting the shower. Aside from marrying the guy who made the baby possible, and actually bringing the little one into the world, It’s going to be one of the most important days of her life. Of course, you want everything to be perfect starting with the big gift. Relax, we’ve got you covered. A  Husband Pillow is a present that will keep the mom-to-be cozy, snug, and gently supported while she waits for baby and throughout the sleepless nights that follow. 

    New moms love this must-have bedding accessory that is as practical as it is stylish. Imagine a super-sized (31 inches tall and 15 inches wide, now, that’s impressive) bed pillow with armrests that includes two generous side and back pockets, plus a detachable bolster and a convenient handle. 

    You’ll have fun customizing the Husband Pillow to suit the guest of honor’s personal style. First choose one of our four variations designed to accommodate a range of tastes and decors. The Traditional Line appeals to moms who love a more tailored look. It’s available in an array of jewel-tone and pastel colors including deep burgundy, pale pink, and powder blue. 

    Anyone who likes a change of pace from time to time will appreciate the  Aspen Edition’s reversible cover. One side features plush microfiber and the other is sleek microsuede. Aspen is offered in shades ranging from plum to taupe. Big personalities, who walk on the wild side, are bound to fall hard for the Faux Fur Collection. It’s another reversible, boasting fuzzy and silky alternatives. And finally, a petite model is available that’s just right for smaller people or spaces. 

    After you’ve selected the perfect bed rest pillow for your favorite friend, you might want to tell her about some of the great ways she can use her new gift over the months of waiting and beyond.

    Bonding with baby is job one.

    Baby’s First Cuddles 

    This is a no brainer. Bonding with baby is job one. Cradling and cuddling the baby triggers the flood of love that helps new parents through the many challenges of caring for an infant. Bonding also provides babies with their first example of an intimate human relationship and feelings of security and self-worth that have a life-long impact. What better way to establish that important connection than snuggled in a big pillow with arms that hold mom and her precious cargo securely in place. The Husband Pillow’s shredded memory foam fill molds to mom’s body to provide comfortable but firm support. And, in case she needs a bit more cushioning, it’s easy to unzip the secret compartment and add additional foam. 

    Shower friends might want to share their favorite playlists for mommy/baby snuggling.

    Feeding Time is All the Time

    Newborns need to breastfeed eight to 12 plus times in 24 hours. Moms can use all the help they can get to manage that demanding schedule. Paired with a nursing pillow (hint, hint—another friend might opt to purchase this item.) the Husband Pillow can provide soothing relief for  sore back, neck, and shoulder muscles. Mom can even detach the bolster to prop up tired feet. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies continue breastfeeding for 12 months, or more depending on mother and child. We’re glad that we can help moms find a comfortable, safe spot to nourish their little ones.

    R&R for Mom

    Every new mom needs to give herself permission to take a break. The Husband Pillow can be her best friend when she wants to put her feet up and feel pampered, even if it’s only for a few minutes. Here are some suggestions for spending that special me time.

    Snooze While Baby Sleeps

    A sleeping baby is a gift that no new mom should squander. When baby goes down for a nap, our comfy bed rest pillow will be waiting for mom to close her eyes and relax. The importance of even a brief rest can’t be overestimated. According to WebMD, a reduction of nighttime sleep of just 90 minutes could result in diminished alertness by as much as 32 percent.

    Read for Relaxation 

    Our reading pillow makes it easy for mom to lose herself in a book. There’s nothing like a great story to transport you to another world. Consider asking shower guests to bring their favorite titles to tuck into the pillow’s pockets as a bonus gift or to share a reading list. And, don’t forget baby. Friends might also want to pick out a selection of classic picture books to launch the munchkin’s library.

    Let the Games Continue

    If the guest of honor is a gamer, the Husband Pillow will make spending those precious spare minutes on a phone or a tablet more relaxed and comfortable. 

    Voice of Experience

    Don’t let your shower end without sharing words of wisdom and advice. Every mom-to-be, including those who already have a rug rat or two, could use some words of encouragement. Dad’s need support too. Here are a few thoughts of encouragement for both new and seasoned parents.   

    • Don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask for help. You will be surprised how many friends are just waiting to be asked. When you allow another person to do something kind or thoughtful you are giving them a chance to feel good about themselves. 
    • A happy face is not mandatory. You don’t have to be over the moon. Any life-change, especially one so monumental, brings a mixture of emotions. Don’t punish yourself for feeling depressed or sad. Realize that the blues are temporary and keep moving forward.
    • Take pride in your accomplishments, both big and small. 

    The Husband Pillow makes showers sunnier for mom, dad, and everyone who is waiting to celebrate the new arrival. Purchase this special gift today. 

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