Nur Hülle – Schutzhülle für Yoga-Gymnastikball – 65 cm, weicher Mikroplüsch für Yoga, Pilates, Büroballstuhl, Geburt. Fitness-Balance-Stabilität, weich und rutschfest, Pro-Guide
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Nur Hülle – Schutzhülle für Yoga-Gymnastikball – 65 cm, weicher Mikroplüsch für Yoga, Pilates, Büroballstuhl, Geburt. Fitness-Balance-Stabilität, weich und rutschfest, Pro-Guide
Ehemann Kissen
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Husband Pillow
Does the cover only come in suede?
How do I determine what size to get?
- It takes up half of a queen size bed.
- Are you tall? Do you like to sit way up in bed when you watch TV, use a laptop or your phone? If so, this pillow is perfect for you. I'm 6'2" tall and sit way up when I do things in bed and just love this pillow. If you don't have these kinds of needs then you may want to purchase something not quite so large.
How much does the Husband Pillow weight?
Our best-selling Husband Bed Backrest Pillow weighs 9.1 lbs. This popular support / sitting pillow with arms provides the best comfort for use as a sitting pillow, bed backrest, back support, TV pillow, bed cushion, armchair pillow and chair pillow.
Our medium size Husband Pillow is about 18 inches tall without the neckroll. With the neckroll attached, the height is about 23 inches tall.
Is the microsuede cover removable?
Thanks for your inquiry! Absolutely - the cover for the Husband Pillow is not only removable, but washable as well, and we sell additional covers in many different colors for harmonizing with your bedroom color scheme! The Husband bed rest pillow is the ultimate in comfort for many reasons - as a bed backrest, a support pillow, a TV pillow, bed pillow for reading, sitting pillow, bed seat and just about any other backrest need!
What are the Specific dimensions: Both with and without the neck roll pillow?
Specifically, the Husband Bed Rest Pillow measures 31" overall with the neck roll. The neck roll adds an additional 7" to the overall dimension of this comfortable back support pillow. The thickness of the pillow (back to front) is 13.5". The total weight of the pillow with neck roll is 9.1 lbs. Our customers love the generous size of our popular Husband Pillow. For the ultimate experience in back support, bed rest, sitting, reading or use as a bed lounger, look no further than our best-selling Husband Pillow!
What is the difference between the Original Version Husband Pillow, the Aspen Edition and the Fabulous Faux Fur Line?
The main difference in the two pillows is that the Original Version has a one-sided removable soft velour cover, while the Aspen Edition features a two-sided cover which is microsuede on one side and microfiber on the other. We also offer a two-sided cover in our Fabulous Faux Fur Line.